Hi, my name is Angel. I’m a senior at John Marshall High School. This is my first year part of Y Street. Our Rev Your Bev campaign promotes healthy drinking habits by encouraging students to drink more water. Recently, we held a Rev Your Bev event at our school and I’d love to share my experience with you.
My fellow members and I worked together to set up our table with mouth-watering fruit-infused water, campaign info cards, and a prize wheel in the lunch hall. During the event, we raised awareness about Rev Your Bev and Y Street and asked students and staff to sample the water and complete a survey to tell us about their water consumption. By the end of the event, our school’s YFO, Daniel, said that our team did really well! Events like these, informing students about the importance and benefits of drinking water regularly, make teens excited about water. Also, collecting surveys and support cards from students and school staff gets our school thinking about how they can support Rev Your Bev in helping to spread the word about healthy hydration.
One additional thing I did to try to gain more support for our efforts at John Marshall was send a mass email to our staff, sharing additional information about our youth movement. I also shared that we were hoping to get at least 12 new members and that we would love it if they could encourage students to apply and join. I’m excited to see how my school’s Y Street members will finish off the year and the progress we make with Rev Your Bev. Hopefully, by the end of the year, we have more members from my school too!
Want to learn more about the Rev Your Bev campaign? Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: @revyourbev, or go to revyourbev.com!