My name is Carys and I am a rising senior at Granby High School. This is my fourth year in Y Street and my third year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). People often ask, “What do you do, what is it about, and how can I benefit from it?” On the YSLT, you get the opportunity to meet other youth that are concerned about the issues that Virginians face, and as a team, you learn how to help and become an advocate for change in your state. The YSLT has helped me overcome my biggest fear: public speaking.
As part of the YSLT, you receive many opportunities to use the voice you have developed. My most memorable experience was when I met with Virginia’s Senators and Delegates to talk about the 24/7 Tobacco-Free School policy. We raised awareness about the importance of this policy at community events, during school lunches, and even at the Virginia General Assembly. Because we decided to take a stand and spread awareness about this issue, our tobacco-free policy was passed into law. This was huge for me because I’m just a regular girl from Norfolk who teamed up with other Y-Sters and ended up doing something so major and impactful.
While being part of the YSLT, I’ve learned how to be an awesome leader both in my school and in Y Street. Being on YSLT allows you to delegate and plan events for your school Y Street team, and the best part about it is you are never alone! Your other leadership team members are always there ready to lend a hand whenever needed. Y Street has been one of the best accomplishments in my high school career. Join the Y Street Leadership Team and you can also take part in the many opportunities the program has to offer. Applications are now open right now on!