
Hello, my name is Nautica. I am a senior at Granby High School, and I’ve been a part of Y Street for two years. The first thing I did when I became interested in becoming a member was attend a Training Kickoff. It was a nice introduction to what Y Street is about and how to become an activated member. Becoming a member entails completing an online training and training project. The online training teaches us about the campaign issues and goals we seek to accomplish and provides us with the opportunity to practice what we have learned. The training project involved me asking friends and family to fill out support cards for the Rev Your Bev and Share The Air campaigns. After that, I officially became a member and I was able to attend the Welcome Session.

I really liked how interactive the online modules were! The modules were not just paragraphs of information, but rather they included images and diagrams that made the training enjoyable for a visual learner like I am. While completing the modules, I learned that Y Street’s 24/7 VA campaign played a huge role in the passing of the 100% Comprehensive Tobacco-Free and E-Cigarette-Free Schools bill. This achievement made me realize the capability and potential of youth in Virginia.

Now that I am a member of Y Street I am excited to be a small part of a large youth-led movement! This year, I hope to attend events to raise awareness about Share The Air and Rev Your Bev.

Interested in joining? Go NOW to ystreet.org to get trained and join the #YStreetMovement!

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hi, my name is Braden (Brady) and I am a 9th-grade student at Charlottesville High School. This is my first year with Y Street as well as my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT).

Before joining Y Street, I was not very involved in the community, but when my Y Street Youth Field Organizer came and talked to my school about the opportunity to join this youth movement, it caught my eye. Being a part of Y Street gives me the opportunity to make a positive change in my community. I am finally on the front lines working with other youth leaders across Virginia to make an impact in people’s lives. Y Street has given me the platform to affect real change. The program also makes it easy to gain the skills needed to make a plan for me like going to college.

The YSLT Mid-Year summit held in January was amazing. I was able to make new friendships. We engaged in fun activities like icebreakers and scavenger hunts while learning important leadership skills and how to educate Key Decision Makers (KDMs). We also interacted with and asked questions to the current leadership team members and participated in fun games with them, which made it feel more welcoming. These sessions helped me gain the knowledge to go and affect the change I want to make. The Y Street staff also sent out a gracious amount of healthy, delicious foods and beverages in a Summit Kit which came with very cool clothes like a sweater, which I have worn and got many compliments on.

Now that I am a part of the Leadership Team, I hope to learn much more about my community and help make the change they want to see happen. One day, I want to make a career out of politics whether being in the legislative branch or executive branch. I want my lifestyle and career to be about making a difference in people’s lives.

To learn more about Y Street, visit ystreet.org.

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hello! I’m Max, a member of the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I am a junior at Charlottesville High School and joined Y Street two years ago. I have since joined the Leadership Team, which I have been a part of for 1 year. I am writing this blog to talk about why you should join Y Street!

Y Street is a youth-led movement that works to create a healthier Virginia through our campaigns. The first campaign is Share The Air, which advocates for 100% tobacco-free and e-cigarette free outdoor public spaces. The second campaign is Rev Your Bev that aims to increase students’ water consumption. Y Street members use several different strategies to raise awareness and achieve campaign goals. For example, members all over Virginia host events at their schools to promote Rev Your Bev. We ask attendees to complete surveys and give out cool prizes, as well as share information about what Rev Your Bev is all about: increasing water access and promotion in Virginia schools. If you join Y Street you can participate in these amazing activities too! But wait, there’s more.

Y Street offers points for completing campaign activities that are completely optional. By amassing points, you can earn some spectacular rewards like gift cards, AirPods, or even a MacBook!! Overall, Y Street is an extremely inclusive program that has some really important goals, and great ways of achieving them. If you are looking for volunteer hours, Y Street tracks them, which makes that whole process incredibly easy. I have gained so many important skills such as public speaking, and have met so many amazing people. If you are interested in joining go to ystreet.org.

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hello! My name is Ayla, and I am a freshman at King George High School. This is my first year with Y Street and it has been a great experience so far. I first heard about Y Street from my morning announcements, and I became instantly interested. Y Street is a youth-led organization where high schoolers come together and help to make Virginia a healthier place.

The moment I stepped in the door at the welcome session held at my school Zoe, a Y Street Youth Field Organizer (YFO), welcomed me warmly. I immediately felt like I was in the right place and I was appreciated for being there. Zoe discussed the mission of Y Street and how to become a part of it. She was super fun, interactive, and kind. I left the session with a huge smile and the determination to join and help out in my school and community.

My training for Y Street started with a Training Kick-Off session where I learned more about the program. My next steps involved training with Y Street’s easy-to-use, interactive training modules, and a training project where I got to collect surveys on Y Street’s two campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air. At last, I was a member of Y Street and could start helping right away! I went to another quick zoom welcome meeting where I further learned about how to set up and use my volunteer account on their website. I enjoyed how welcoming everyone was during this session because it helped me feel a part of the team. The whole training process was fun. I never lost interest while doing it, and I really enjoyed the chance to learn more about issues in our community. One of the most interesting things that I learned during training for the Share The Air campaign, which focuses on creating clean and healthy outdoor spaces, was that tobacco products are the most littered item in the nation, consisting of 40% of all litter. I also learned about the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure. For Y Street’s other campaign, Rev Your Bev, I found out how important drinking water is and the impact of having too many sugary drinks. All of these facts really interested me and drove me to want to take action.

Now that I am a fully activated Y Street member, I am most excited about creating meaningful change through fun opportunities like helping to run booths, organizing school events, and presenting to decision-makers. I want to be involved in as many projects and opportunities offered by Y Street as I can.  

I highly recommend joining Y Street as it is a great experience with many benefits. Interested in joining? It’s not too late. Go NOW to my.ystreet.org/apply to get trained and join the #YStreetMovement.

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hello Everyone. My name is Aliyana, and I am a Y Street member who attends Hopewell High School, Class of 2025. This is my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team.

My first big event, the Rev Your Bev Celebration, was a great first opportunity as a member. The Celebration was a fun and innovative way to promote water and bring in more support cards. We spoke to a lot of students about the importance of drinking water and their views on water access in schools. Everyone was very enthusiastic and enjoyed the campaign goodies we offered (cups, stickers, and bracelets) once they completed a message of support.

High school students sometimes struggle with making drinking water a habit and drink too many sugary drinks because they are easy to obtain. Making water more readily available will allow students to have easier access to water throughout the day. Our Rev Your Bev campaign focuses on raising awareness and collecting messages of support to encourage people to take a closer look at this issue.

This year I am looking forward to participating in more events and using our advisory time to promote healthy hydration, as well as giving out more swag to students. I am hoping that students will learn more about the health benefits of water. I believe the more youth speak out and educate others, the bigger the change we will make in our schools.

Go to RevYourBev.com to support the campaign by filling out a support card using my Member ID number: 19423.

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hello, my name is Samera and I attend Brunswick High School in Lawrenceville. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far it’s been a blast. We recently held a Rev Your Bev Event at our school to celebrate the campaign and I enjoyed it.

The Rev Your Bev campaign encourages everyone to choose water. Consuming too many sugary beverages can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Rev Your Bev is a campaign that wants to reach everyone with its messaging. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, Rev Your Bev wants to improve the health of all Virginians.

For our Rev Your Bev event, we set up a station during lunch to educate students and adults about healthy hydration, and I believe it was effective. We worked hard and enjoyed it. My fellow youth members and I went around engaging our school community in conversations about the campaign. We encouraged everyone to visit our table to try water samples that were infused with fruit. We also got them to fill out a support card and once completed, they were able to spin a wheel for a prize. Participants could win a Rev Your Bev Cup, Straw, Stickers, or a Bracelet. I believe my peers enjoyed spinning the prize wheel and learning about Rev Your Bev!

Rev Your Bev is important to me because I have family and friends that have been diagnosed with diabetes. I want to see them get better by encouraging and promoting healthy behaviors. I would love to see everyone adopt healthier habits that’s why I joined Y Street and have been working on the Rev Your Bev campaign. I hope you’ll join us by supporting our campaigns, not just Rev Your Bev but also Share The Air too. 

If you wish to support the Rev Your Bev campaign please go to revyourbev.com and fill out a survey and support card using my Member ID number: 18582.

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hi! My name is Anya and I’m a junior at Tabb High School. I have been a member of Y Street for one year. This year I am focusing on the Rev Your Bev campaign which is all about promoting water as the #1 beverage of choice. Frequent consumption of sugary beverages can lead to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and tooth decay.  

Rev Your Bev works with schools across Virginia to promote water and raise awareness. Since kids are still growing and learning we want to encourage them to adopt healthy behaviors. When youth are aware of the health benefits of drinking water they will be more likely to choose water. This campaign is so important to me because my family has a history of diabetes and heart issues so I’m doing my best to lead a healthier lifestyle and encourage others to do the same.  

My goals for this year are to involve more of my friends, participate in Rev Your Bev events to educate others, and drink more water myself. I hope students at my school will take the time to listen to this campaign and think about what we’re saying because it really is important. And besides, drinking water is fun AND healthier for you! Did you know you can dress up your water by adding different types of fruit?! 

Visit revyourbev.com to learn more about the campaign and different fruit-infused recipes to try. 

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hey there! Jaila and Madison (seniors and third-year members of Y Street), writers of this lovely post, along with our two fellow members, Ahjana and Yyetta, are here from Brunswick High School to share our experience on participating in a Share The Air campaign event at the Spooky Trail in Alberta. This was our first off-campus Share The Air event this year!!

Share The Air is a campaign that promotes clean and healthier outdoor spaces, meaning a tobacco-free and e-cigarette-free environment. The Spooky Trail was a great opportunity to spread awareness about the harms of tobacco litter and exposure to secondhand smoke and vape aerosol in outdoor public places. Share The Air has been very hands-on with tackling this issue by promoting tobacco-free and vapor-free outdoor areas and offering tobacco-free signs to local Parks and Recreation Departments across Virginia to post in places such as parks and walking trails.

This event was important to us because the Spooky Trail was hosted at a public playground and trail where youth gather. We want to promote clean air for their health and well-being. We also want to inform the public about this issue and its effect on our community to work together on creating 100% tobacco-free outdoor spaces. Our ultimate goal is to encourage our local Parks & Recreation Department to adopt a tobacco-free and e-cigarette-free outdoor policy. We are very excited to continue raising awareness about Share The Air in our community!

To learn more about the campaign, visit sharetheairva.com

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hello everyone! My name is Lydia and I’m a sophomore at Hopewell High School. I’ve been a part of Y Street for two years now, and I’ve been a part of the Y Street Leadership Team for one year.

Y Street has been an amazing experience for me so far! It has allowed me to meet new people and make a change within my school. It has also given me a lot of great opportunities like speaking with Key Decision Makers in my community. Our campaigns are Share The Air and Rev Your Bev. Both campaigns have impacted me but Rev Your Bev has impacted me the most. Rev Your Bev has encouraged me to drink more water and I feel amazing. I feel more energized and happier. I have made videos on ways to make flavored water and collected support cards and surveys for the campaign.

Y Street is a great opportunity to make a change within your school and community. There are so many benefits like participating in events and activities, earning rewards, building new relationships, and making a positive change in your school and community! And, Y Street looks great on college applications!! So if you’re interested in joining, head to ystreet.org to complete your application today. It’s very easy and simple. If you want to come back, log into your Y Street member account on the Y Street website and sign up for your school’s 2021 Training Event.

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]


Hi, my name is Ella, and I am a Junior at Charlottesville High School. This is my second year as a Y Street member and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I joined Y Street because working with students across Virginia and engaging community members, key decision-makers, and legislators with the goal of making our state healthier really fascinated me. I am a pretty shy person, but with Y Street I am able to collaborate with others from a much larger platform to make a significant change on issues that I am extremely passionate about such as access to drinking water in schools and the effects of secondhand smoke in outdoor public areas.

Last school year, I was offered the opportunity to present along with another YSLT member from my high school to a local organization, Region Ten in Charlottesville, to educate them on our Share The Air campaign. I took a lot from this experience. I was able to immerse myself in a business-type scenario which is an important life skill to have. I also made new friends and stepped out of my comfort zone. This wouldn’t have happened without Y Street and for that, I am so glad that I joined this incredible movement.

Another amazing benefit of joining Y Street is the awesome prizes and rewards that you can earn! The more opportunities you participate in and the more hours earned, the more points you can exchange for prizes such as AirPods, Apple watches, polaroids, gift cards, and even scholarships.

If you’re a returning Y Street member you can go straight to ystreet.org and click on the Member Login login button at the top of the page. Login to your account and sign up for your high school’s 2021 Training Kickoff event.

If you are a new student, don’t worry your application process is super easy as well! All you have to do is go to my.ystreet.org/apply. To create an account, enter your contact information and fill out a brief questionnaire so that we can get to know you.

I hope you choose to join the Y Street movement and immerse yourself in all the experiential and engaging opportunities it has to offer!

More Blogs

A Terrific Tabling Event

Hi everyone! My name is Amber, and I am in the 10th grade at Manor High School in Portsmouth. This is my first year as a member of Y Street, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. One of the most amazing things I have participated in was our Rev Your Bev event that […]

Turning the Table with Rev Your Bev

Hello! My name is Aliyah and I am currently a junior at Granby High School in Norfolk. This is my second year in Y Street and my first year on the Y Street Leadership Team (YSLT). I have participated in multiple opportunities for our campaigns, Rev Your Bev and Share The Air, that have provided […]

My Rev Your Bev Experience

Hey! My name is Kevin. I’m a sophomore at Page County High School. This is my first year in Y Street, and so far I’m enjoying it. Recently, some other members and I helped host a Rev Your Bev event at our school and it was a lot of fun. The event took place during […]


Hello! Our names are Vivian and Ayla, and we are 9th graders at King George High School. This is our first year in Y Street. Recently, we had the amazing opportunity to meet virtually with Delegate Margaret Ransone to discuss Y Street’s campaigns and goals. We first heard about the opportunity to meet with Delegate […]

My Y Street Training Experience

Hey! My name is Daniela and I am a sophomore at J.R. Tucker High School. I have been a part of Y Street for two years now. This year, as a returning member, participating in the training was straightforward and educational. The training consisted of four online modules. These modules included information about our campaigns, […]

Brunswick High School Hydrating Youth

Hi, fellow Y Street members! My name is Jaila. I attend Brunswick High School and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to write about Brunswick’s SECOND Rev Your Bev event this year featuring Russell Middle School! Taking this event to the middle school was a great opportunity to educate younger students about […]